(.. فشرقنا القريب كما رأيت، هو مهد هذا العقل الذي يزدهي ويزدهر في أوروبا، هو مصدر هذه الحضارة الأوروبية التي تزيد أن نأخذ بأسبابها..وظهرت في الشرق القريب ديانات سماوية ، أخذ الغربيون منها كالشرقيين, فمنهم المسيحي ومنهم اليهودي ومنهم المسلم، أفتكون هذه الديانات روحا في الشرق ومادة في الغرب ؟!)


طه حسين

‏(.. Our near East, as you saw, is the cradle of this mind that thrives and flourishes in Europe. It is the source of this European civilization, the causes of which we increasingly take into account. And heavenly religions appeared in the near East, and the Westerners took from them as the Easterners did. Some of them were Christians, some of them were Jews, and some of them were Muslims. Is it possible that Are these religions spirit in the East and matter in the West?!)

‏Taha Hussien



Rifaat Bou Assaf

Rifaat Bou Assaf. Journalist — Al Bayan Newspaper — Dubai.